
    Design and application of the harvesting boat for laver (Porphyra yezoensis)
    LI Mingzhi, YANG Yi, LIU Ying, WAN Dianpeng, FAN Jiahui, ZHENG Xianda, WANG Junyi, SUN Tianze, WU Ji
    2024, 40(24): 1-10. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202406098
    Abstract PDF
    Development of the walking system for spiral-propelled tidal flat shellfish harvesting device
    LIANG Xifeng, LU Xinyu, ZHENG Liwen, WANG Yongwei
    2024, 40(24): 11-19. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202402056
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    Calibration and experiment of the discrete element simulation parameters for rapeseed stems during the suitable harvest period
    GUO Hui, GUO Liehong, LI Haifeng, DONG Yuande, ZHOU Wen, HAN Junxuan
    2024, 40(24): 20-29. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202408199
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    Analysis and test of black fungus stick piercing and laying falling process based on discrete element
    JIANG Chengjie, DU Xiaoqiang, YANG Zhenhua, HONG Fangwei, ZHAO Wei, ZHANG Guofeng, CHEN Hongli
    2024, 40(24): 30-38. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202406077
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    Spatiotemporal variation of potential evapotranspiration in the Qinling Mountain Areas and attribution analysis of typical watershed runoff
    JIA Lu, YU Kunxia, LI Zhanbin, LI Peng, XU Guoce, ZHAO Binhua, GAO Bei, YANG Zhi
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    Effect of organic fertilizer and straw returning on soil surface electrochemical characteristics
    WEN Yunjie, ZHANG Jiancheng, ZHU Xiaotian, YANG Na, LI Yongping, SHI Xiangyuan, WANG Juanling, WANG Xiuhong
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    Influences of enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation on the sheet erosion and sediment sorting of purple soil slopes
    XIANG Rui, GUO Junkui, ZHANG Lun, XIA Zhenyao, LIU Deyu, DING Yu, XIAO Hai
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    Compensation effect of biochar addition on the photosynthetic fluorescence physiological parameters of corn under deficit irrigation
    ZHANG Xiaomin, YANG Wei, QU Zhongyi, ZHANG Dongliang, WANG Liping, LI Yixin
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    Soil particle composition and pore characteristics in the root zone of date palm in the dry zone under different irrigation methods
    ZHANG Huadong, ZHOU Shaoliang, LI Qiao, LI Kaixuan, LI Wenlin, SUN Sanmin
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    Water and sediment characteristics in a trapezoidal desilting channel with a swirling flow generator
    NAN Junhu, XU Chao, LI Wei, DU Shangwu, HU Hongling, DAI Jianglong, TAO Ran
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    Constructing ARformer: A deep learning model for the long-term gap-filling of carbon flux data
    QI Jiandong, WU Peng, ZHA Tianshan
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    In situ non-destructive sensing of pesticide deposition on cotton leaf surfaces using ATR-FTIR technology
    LYU Gaoqiang, WEN Kaiyuan, YILIMUNUER·WUSIMAN, ZHANG Qiming, LIU Fei, SUN Weihong
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    Counting tomatoes with different maturities using ultra-depth masking and improved YOLOv8
    ZHANG Runchi, ZHOU Yuncheng, HOU Yuhan, LIU Zeyu, ZHAO Hongge, ZHAO Yuhan
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    Leg tracking and lameness intelligent detection method for dairy cows based on occlusion environment
    HUANG Junzhu, LI Yaping, ZHANG Kang, ZHANG Jinshuo, LI Chunjiao, MENG Hewei
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    Calculation of the causal strength of stored grain pest events augmented using counterfactual data method
    XIAO Le, ZHAO Jing, XU Yunfei
    2024, 40(24): 190-198. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202408083
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    Degradation mechanism for degradable color-matching mulch film and its effect on the yield of spring maize in Northeast China
    YAN Miaoyu, LI Ying, FENG Liangshan, LUO Qing, YANG Ning, LIU Qi, CHEN Taotao, LIU Jialei
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    Effects of acidified storage conditions on nutrient retention and heavy metal removal in caged duck manure wastewater
    XIANG Qiuhao, ZHANG Qi, CUI Xian, LIU Yuhuan, WANG Yunpu, WU Xiaodan, ZHENG Hongli, PENG Hong, LAI Jiangling, LI Rui, LIU Xiaocheng, HUANG Na, HE Youjun, RUAN Rongsheng
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    Estimation of chicken cage’s feed intake based on improved YOLOv8n in stacked-cage-raising system
    JI Hengyi, ZHANG Zhe, TENG Guanghui, ZHOU Zhenyu, LIU Mulin, GE Shaojuan, LIU Jian
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    Improved control method for grid-forming virtual synchronous generator based on loop reconstruction mechanism
    LI Junming, SHI Rongliang, DONG Zheng, LI Junhui, ZHANG Yu
    2024, 40(24): 236-244. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202406089
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    Heterogeneous characteristics and multi-dimensional analysis of the driving factors for urban land use carbon deficit in China
    CHEN Yi, CHEN Yinrong, CHEN Kun, LIU Min
    2024, 40(24): 245-255. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202407097
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    Land conversion between agriculture and forestry and its contributing role of active fires in Mainland Southeast Asia over the past two decades
    LI Xia, JIN Xianghao, LI Peng
    2024, 40(24): 256-265. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202407011
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    Microstructure evolution of Chinese yam in multiphase microwave drying
    DUAN Xu, YANG Mengmeng, LIU Wenchao, LI Linlin, CAO Weiwei, REN Guangyue
    2024, 40(24): 266-273. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202408118
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    Accurate recognition of ginseng appearance quality based on improved YOLOv8n lightweighting
    ZHANG Lijuan, YOU Haohai, LI Zhiyi, WEI Zhanchen, JIA Haojie, YU Yue, LI Dongming
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    Support perfoemance enhancement of edible cell culture meat scaffolds crosslinked by procyanidins and sodium tripolyphosphate
    LIU Hong, DUAN Ruipei, QI Liwei, ZHANG Hongru, GUO Yujie, ZHANG Chunhui
    2024, 40(24): 283-293. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202406166
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    Effects of physical, enzymatic and acid treatments on the structure and physicochemical properties of chestnut starch
    LI Liangyi, TAN Sha, WU Anqi, ZENG Yaoying, SU Hui, ZHANG lin, ZHOU Wenhua
    2024, 40(24): 294-303. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202407008
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    Optimizing public space structure of traditional villages coupling SNA and spatial syntax
    CHEN Yuke, MENG Shiyu, XIONG Yiming, ZHANG Chaoyu, ZHANG Yunlu
    2024, 40(24): 304-314. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202408195
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    肇州县| 临湘市| 织金县| 定西市| 灌阳县| 吉木乃县| 红原县| 陵川县| 长兴县| 修文县| 扎赉特旗| 德化县| 贞丰县| 营口市| 莫力| 远安县| 当阳市| 视频| 新建县| 称多县| 卓资县| 麻城市| 洛浦县| 军事| 海城市| 嫩江县| 崇义县| 丰城市| 巢湖市| 历史| 龙海市| 汉阴县| 乌兰浩特市| 都匀市| 芜湖市| 吉木萨尔县| 江山市| 宝丰县| 玉山县| 民权县| 靖安县|